Thursday, July 3, 2008

Manny Pacquiao vs David Diaz Complete Video

Congratulations to Manny Pacquiao for wining the fight against Diaz!

Manny Pacquiao is the first Asian to hold 4 titles in four different division and the first Filipino to become a lightweight champion. Among these are the World Boxing Council (WBC) Flyweight, International Boxing Federation (IBF) Super Bantamweight, WBC Super Featherweight, and WBC Lightweight world titles.

Mabuhay ang Pinoy!

Here it is, the complete Pacquiao vs. Diaz “Lethal Combination” Fight video.

Watch live video from Hugedu’s Channel on

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Imagine a World Without Filipinos

Muhammad Al-Maghrabi became handicapped and shut down his flower and gifts shop business in Jeddah after his Filipino workers insisted on leaving and returning home. He says: “When they left, I felt as if I had lost my arms. I was so sad that I lost my appetite.”

Al-Maghrabi then flew to Manila to look for two other Filipino workers to replace the ones who had left. Previously, he had tried workers of different nationalities but they did not impress him. “There is no comparison between Filipinos and others,” he says. Whenever I see Filipinos working in the Kingdom, I wonder what our life would be without them.

Saudi Arabia has the largest number of Filipino workers — 1,019,577 — outside the Philippines. In 2006 alone, the Kingdom recruited more than 223,000 workers from the Philippines and their numbers are still increasing. Filipinos not only play an important and effective role in the Kingdom, they also perform different jobs in countries across the world, including working as sailors. They are known for their professionalism and the quality of their work.

Nobody here can think of a life without Filipinos, who make up around 20 percent of the world’s seafarers. There are 1.2 million Filipino sailors.

So if Filipinos decided one day to stop working or go on strike for any reason, who would transport oil, food and heavy equipment across the world? We can only imagine the disaster that would happen.

What makes Filipinos unique is their ability to speak very good English and the technical training they receive in the early stages of their education. There are several specialized training institutes in the Philippines, including those specializing in engineering and road maintenance. This training background makes them highly competent in these vital areas.

When speaking about the Philippines, we should not forget Filipino nurses. They are some 23 percent of the world’s total number of nurses. The Philippines is home to over 190 accredited nursing colleges and institutes, from which some 9,000 nurses graduate each year. Many of them work abroad in countries such as the US, the UK, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Singapore.

Cathy Ann, a 35-year-old Filipino nurse who has been working in the Kingdom for the last five years and before that in Singapore, said she does not feel homesick abroad because “I am surrounded by my compatriots everywhere.” Ann thinks that early training allows Filipinos to excel in nursing and other vocations. She started learning this profession at the age of four as her aunt, a nurse, used to take her to hospital and ask her to watch the work. “She used to kiss me whenever I learned a new thing. At the age of 11, I could do a lot. I began doing things like measuring my grandfather’s blood pressure and giving my mother her insulin injections,” she said.

This type of early education system is lacking in the Kingdom. Many of our children reach the university stage without learning anything except boredom.
The Philippines, which you can barely see on the map, is a very effective country thanks to its people. It has the ability to influence the entire world economy.
We should pay respect to Filipino workers, not only by employing them but also by learning from their valuable experiences.

We should learn and educate our children on how to operate and maintain ships and oil tankers, as well as planning and nursing and how to achieve perfection in our work. This is a must so that we do not become like Muhammad Al-Maghrabi who lost his interest and appetite when Filipino workers left his flower shop.

We have to remember that we are very much dependent on the Filipinos around us. We could die a slow death if they chose to leave us.

Written by Abdullah Al-Maghlooth Al-Watan,
ARABNEWS - JUNE 16, 2008

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Abraham's Sacrifice

When Isaac became a young boy, God spoke to Abraham and commanded him to take his son to Mount Moriah and offer him as a sacrifice to God. This was God’s test of Abraham’s faith.

Abraham loved his son very much, but did not hesitate to follow God’s words for he was a man whose faith in God was strong. As Abraham and his son reached the place where the sacrifice was to be performed, Isaac said to his father, “Father, where is the lamb that is to be sacrificed?” Abraham replied, “My son, God will provide the lamb”.

“Though I cherish you, I must now offer you.”

Please watch this video! God bless!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Family of Chords

I started playing guitar when I was 14 years old. As an amateur musician, I usually perform in front of my little notebook with lyrics and chords in it. Sometimes I memorize the chords especially when I get used to the song I am playing. My mentors during that time discourage me to memorize chords but they encouraged me to be familiar with the tune and learn Family of Chords.

Here’s the family of chords:

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Manny Pacquiao Update

To all Manny Pacquiao fans, here's the latest news as reported in 24 ORAS yesterday, June 17, 2008. According to the news, Manny maintains speed as the choiced weapon against southpaw and WBC Lightweight Champ David Diaz in their upcoming bout on June 28, 2008.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Porsche Phone

The Porsche Design Group (Porsche Lizenz- und Handels-gesellschaft mbH & Co. KG) of Stuttgart, Germany, [and French-based Sagem Mobiles (Safran Group) are presenting the first Porsche Design Mobile Phone, the P’9521.

The casing is milled out of a solid aluminum block – a unique production method for mobile phones. With this product, Porsche Design has remained loyal to its clear design language and has utilized sophisticated material. The typography, styling and colors of the menu emphasize the mobile phone’s very functional character. A double hinge made from aluminum enables the screen to be rotated through 180° – thus allowing the phone to be used as a digital camera.

The P’9521 features a fingerprint reader, which clearly identifies the user and thus ensures secure access to personal data. In addition, individual fingerprints can be assigned to particular numbers or phone functions, making operation particularly easy. The standard PIN code can also be replaced by a fingerprint. The know-how for this technology was delivered by Sagem Mobiles, which has expertise in the field of biometrics.

Technical Details
  • CAMERA:3.2 Mega pixels
  • Auto-focus
  • Flash 2 LEDs
  • Torch for video record in dark conditions
  • Digital Zoom
  • Quality Enhancement
  • Zoom x6 on Photo Zoom x3 on Video
  • Accelerometer for automatic picture display
  • Media Album
  • MUSIC: Advanced Music Player
  • 3D-sound
  • Real stereo
  • Bluetooth Profiles AADP, AVRCP
  • MP3, AAC, AAC+, eAAC+, WAV, midi
  • APPLICATIONS:Browser OperaMini
  • Pull e-mail
  • Light sensor
  • No embedded Games by defaut / Java Games supported

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How To Survive Over Imposibilities

"I could never convince the financiers that Disneyland was feasible, because dreams offer too little collateral." -- Walt Disney

Today, Disneyland is one of the biggest tourist attraction on the globe. That fact makes it a little difficult to remember that over 45 year ago, Walt Disney was advised by every amusement park operator in the country that the amusement center he envisioned would fall flat on its face. It's also difficult, after Disneyland's many years of unbridled success, to recall that following the madhouse opening, most media commentators declared the park overpriced, badly managed and a likely candidate for a quick and early demise.

Walt Disney, of course, ignored the bad press the same way he ignored all self-appointed experts. The idea of an amusement park unlike any other had been in the back of his mind for at least 20 years before it was actually born... (

There are insurmountable issues/problems/concerns at home, workplace or elsewhere that puffs out everyday that sometimes more often than not, it kills the excitement in us to expect great things coming our way.

Being a subordinate or a supervisor in a goverment office, as the case may be are both challenging. Nevertheless, both are equipped and tasked to accomplish each role or responsibility. As public servants, the duty to perform the task at hand and the eagerness to serve the people should always prevail. At all times, the goverment shall exist for the people and not the people to serve the goverment.

Pressures regarding the completion of a task always exist. Remarkable reports or sometimes our journals remind us to finish the thing we should do to meet the deadlines. But hey, there will always be people, time, circumstances, events that oppose our plans and strategies. How does a leader handle others who oppose his leadership? When doubts trumpet over our ears telling us that we are doomed to fail, can we still move on?

"Walts empleyees responded to the new challenges, and helped out when troubles arose. For instance, there was difficulty obtaining architects' drawings of turn-of-the-century buildings, so animator-director Ward Kimball contributed rare books of drawing from his own collection.

When technical problems arose to block an effect Disney wanted, he had a serene faith in his staff's abilities to overcome them." (

How do we react when the world is against us? Here are some tips on how to survive the impossibilities:

  • THINK BIG. Walt Disney started the creation of a Disneyland on his mind. He may not have seen the finished Disneyland as of now before his death but he was the first who have seen it on his mind. Whatever our impossibilities, let's think big!

  • WORK SILENTLY AND WITH PASSION. Let's do the thing and not grumble. If we intend to work for it, we should avoid pointing fingers to others. Accepting a job gives us two options: we either do it - or we quit.

  • ACCEPT FAILURES. Failure is an opportunity to do it again intelligently. A child perfects how to walk only after several knee bleeding. Like us, God allows us to fall so that we could rise up again.

  • HUMBLE YOURSELF BEFORE GOD AND MEN. Be geared to do good. It's to hard to remain good, but if you choose it, "panindigan mo nalang." Each act of kindness shall be rewarded.
Many are the plans of men. But god knows every issue and task at hand. In fact, he aware of our concerns. Alam Nya ang ginawa nya. Let God be God and let men be men. God has an appointed time with our dreams and visions. We may see them close to impossibilities but it will certainly come!

Earn money by just updating your blog!

If you are a computer fanatics and you are just updating your friendster and multiply accounts or perhaps you go to a computer shop and play your favorite online games... Why not try creating a blog and update it so you can earn... It's true!

Here's the proof how people earn from blogging:

Friday, June 6, 2008

Rolling Payroll

WHAT IF: Today, you lost the ability to earn income? Do you have enough means to sustain your needs and/or your family’s needs in the years to come?

If your answer to this question is YES, Congratulations! You no longer need to continue reading. If your answer is NO, you don’t have any excuse not to read my mail!

Case Study: Juan dela Cruz (not his real name) is 35 years old, he’s a team supervisor of an I.T. company that he has been working for 5 years, and earns P50,000 net monthly income. He’s married with two kids, wife is a fulltime home-maker. They live in a mortgaged condo unit which they are paying 12,000 a month, with utility bills amounting to 5,000 (electricity, water, telephone, internet, and cable TV). Their groceries for the month is 12,000 (3,000/week). The kid’s education and other expenses are budgeted for 10,000 per month. Transportation allowance (gas, parking fees, toll fees, etc.) is 6,000. The family’s total overhead expense every month is P45,000 or more. After paying for the expenses, Juan saves whatever that is left (if there is any). What happens if today, Juan lost the ability to earn an income due to an accident or a debilitating disease? Here’s what can happen:

1. If Juan’s employer provides for an accident/health benefit coverage, Juan can get away with the hospital bills. For generous employers, Juan can receive some financial assistance which is usually equivalent to one-month salary for every year of service. This is already his separation package from his company (P250,000).

2. Let’s say that Juan’s employers are extremely generous and they doubled his separation package making it a total of P500,000 net. How long can P500,000 take him? Eleven months! (500,000/45,000 = 11.11months)

3. How do you propose to manage the P500,000?

a. Put it on Time Deposits? If Juan is lucky, he can get 6% annual interest on time deposits. But this will only give him 30,000 returns every year or 2,500 per month. Certainly, not enough to cover his expenses.

b. Streamline the monthly expenses? Renegotiate the mortgage so that it becomes as low as 6,000 but the years of payment are extended? Cut 20% from the groceries and 50% on kid’s education? Let’s say we are able to reduce the expenses to as low as 22,500 (50%), how long can P500,000 take Juan’s family? 22 months! (500,000/22,500 = 22.22 months). But after 22 months, what happens next?

c. The wife goes out to find employment? Possible, but she has to do some “sharpening of the saw”. Will she be able to find a gainful employment? How will she manage to be physically and emotionally strong at the same time?

d. Sell whatever properties they have and move to the province where the cost of living is at a minimum? Sure, why not, this would extend their monthly expenses to 50 months! (500,000/10,000 monthly expenses = 50 months). Juan’s family can live on a diminished budget for at least 4 years. But what happens next?

Unless you would want to go through the dilemmas of Juan yourself by managing the “After” and neglecting the “Before”, a typical Filipino attribute, here’s a better approach: An INCOME INSURANCE.

1. Since Juan is earning 50,000 per month, his total annual net income is P600,000.

2. To replace a P600,000 annual income, Juan needs to put a capital of P10,000,000 in time deposits earning at 6% interest rate so that he and his family can live from the interest earnings alone and keep the capital intact for future use.

3. But how can an average income earner employee create a 10Million capital?

4. You’d be surprised to know that there are a number of financial instruments that can provide a 10 Million-peso capital! For as low as P137.50 per day, Juan can get a lease of P10 Million!

Below is the Income Insurance chart. You can find how much capital you need and how much is your daily participation:

Note: The chart is computed for a 35-year-old male, non-smoker.

As you have observed from the chart, for as cheap as a cup of an instant coffee or a parking ticket, one can already insure his income! If Juan has only listened to me yesterday, he would not be having dilemmas on what to do today.

Let your financial consultant assist you in creating a Rolling Payroll for you today!

From Chris L.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

13-year-old Spelling Bee Champ

Do you want to be the head and not the tail? Well, almost every one of us wanted to be on the top. But the truth is it takes so much hard work and determination to achieve it. We need to spend so much time, and energy to develop the skills we need.

Let’s learn from a 13-year-old Spelling Bee Champ who works hard enough for him to be on top.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Youtube downloader absolutely free

Here's a site where you can download videos from youtube for free. You can download and convert flv file directly to your computer.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

E-book: You Can Be Rich

Here’s an e-book “You Can Be Rich” by David King where you can find vital information about how you can be rich. I received this e-book from a friend who always inspires me to be wise in handling my finances and I want to share it with you.

Here are some of the contents:

“7 Steps to be Rich”:

  1. Revealed! Know the 10 secrets to becoming rich
  2. Learn from the masters! Becoming millionaires- and billionaires
  3. Start with your income: know how to budget and save
  4. Make your income grow through selling
  5. It’s time to set up your own business!
  6. Invest your hard-earned profits and earn more
  7. Get rich… and be happy for lifetime

10 Secrets to becoming rich:

  1. Learn the value of time
  2. Set lifelong goals
  3. Stay out of debt
  4. Learn to accept failure- successfully
  5. Developing winning attitudes & habits
  6. Keep everything in focus
  7. Work with the right kind of people
  8. Develop total self- discipline
  9. Develop faith
  10. Make happiness- not wealth- an ultimate goal
Download the e-book “You Can Be Rich” by David King

Monday, February 11, 2008

How to Use Blog for Marketing

What exactly is a Blog?
A Weblog or Blog is kind of like an online diary or daily newsletter. Some Blogs are personal in nature and some are like online newsletters, some even have an ongoing conversational thread. What ever you choose your Blog to be, know that they are HOT!
Businesses are using Blogs to promote products, circulate information about their company and products, and to target new prospects. With the tight integration of Blogs and RSS/XML feeds we see nothing but growth for the Blog arena.

Blogs are moving into the mainstream. Television media even interviewed popular Blog authors after the Presidential debate for their spin on the debates in October, bringing even more attention to this emerging medium.

How can I use a Blog for my business?
Consider your Blog like an online newsletter. Write about topics that interest your client base. Consider doing a tips and hints Blog for your market sector. Think about having your key staff members do a Blog to create an online sense of community and to put a human face on your corporation. You may want to align your Blog with information that is on your web site and talk about market trends or new products in your business sector. The possibilities are endless.

Isn't a Blog hard to update?
No, when you use an online Blog center like, they make it easy for you to add to your Blog and to customize it for your needs. The most highly trafficked Blogs are updated daily.

Consider just a few paragraphs on a topic to get started and get in the habit of updating it daily. Check out the McCord Web Design Blog for suggestions on creating your own Blog.

How do I try a Blog out?
You can set up a Blog for free at which is owned by Google. Set up is complicated and requires use of FTP and knowledge of your web directory set up, so it is best left to a web expert initially, but it is possible for a tech savvy individual to self set up. If you do not have an existing Web site, you will probably need to purchase server storage space with a Blog service like Blogspot if you plan on archiving your Blog or having it include images.
Once your account is set up and configured, you can Blog away to your heart's content and with one click publish your musings on the Web. Updating your Blog is a simple as typing text into a window and clicking a publish button.

Blogger even has a very cool “Blog This Button” integrated into the Google Toolbar that allows you to be web surfing and to add to your Blog by clicking the “Blog This Button”. Clicking the button opens a small Blog publishing screen automatically. Now you can comment on anything you see on the Web and easily add to your Blog at the same time!

RSS/XML Feed Integration
Blogger has a tight integration and automatic registration with Atom and turns your Blog into a syndicatable RSS/XML feed for users to subscribe to using their News Aggregator. Visit our RSS/XML

Feed page in our Web Design section for more information on that topic. In no time at all, you can have a regular Web-following, people who receive your Blog automatically every time you update it.

What is the potential for Blogs?
We see Blogs replacing e-newsletters in the future. There is a huge growing interest in RSS/XML feeds and Blogs are closely aligned to them. More and more Web viewers are tiring of the influx of spam in their e-mail boxes that has not abated even with the new legislation that went into effect January 1, 2004. Congress is even considering a Do Not Email List which would effectively move marketing away from email saturation making Blogs even more important.

People are looking for a way to have the information that they want without having to give out their e-mail address. Blogs and feeds are perfectly tailored for this clientele.

Check It Out for Yourself
After having done our own Blog for nearly one year daily, we have found that the benefits are most realized when you stick to a schedule and really try to update your Blog daily. Utilizing Urchin web statistics, we have found that our site traffic has increased dramatically, we have syndicated our content widely over the web, search engines spider our site more frequently, and our content is always fresh. Those are just a few of the tangible benefits that we have identified.

With Blogs moving to the forefront right now, there is no better time than today to try one out!